The Town of Milton Bids and Tenders

Instructions for Use

Bid Inquiries:  Submit all questions using the “Submit a Question” link associated with a bid request.  You will receive confirmation that your question has been submitted.

General Information

  • Bids can be previewed prior to registering by clicking on the download button.  
  • All bid submissions must be received in the format requested in the bid document.
  • Allow sufficient time to upload your submission and account for internet delays.
  • Official tender submission timestamp is based on when we RECEIVE and not when you SEND.
  • All bid information, including bid results, is published on this page as it becomes available.

Technical Support:

If you encounter technical issues,  please contact For step by step instructions please refer to the Vendor Guide

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Instructions for Using Milton Online Bids and Tenders

  • New Users:
    1. Follow this link to Create an Account.
    2. Fill out the information and Save. 
    3. Note your username and password for purchasing/downloading bids in the future.
  • Existing Users:
    1. Proceed to Login
  • All Users:
    1. Preview bids by clicking on the download button prior to registering for the bid.
    2. Initiate your bid purchase/download by choosing "Register as Plan Taker" for the tender you wish to purchase. 
    3. Submit your payment online using Visa or MasterCard.
    4. Download documents for the bid that you have registered and paid for.
    5. Download additional copies by logging in with the same username and password that you used to register for the bid. 
    6. Check this web page often for tender addendum. Registered Plan Takers will be notified by email of addendum for their tenders.

Accessibility Statement

Documents on this page are available in a variety of accessible formats upon request.  To make a request, email the Town’s Accessibility Coordinator or call 905-878-7252, ext. 2534.

Additional information

Phone: 905-875-5404
Email: Town of Milton Purchasing